Welcome to our new bonding blog!

On behalf of the Mississippi Bonding Company team, welcome to our new blog.  I want to start by telling y'all how much I appreciate our website designer and host - US Next and they can be found at www.usnx.com.  They are great to work with and whatever you need done, they do it quickly and professionally.  They have been taking care of us for over five years now and they really do a terrific job.  If you have a need of a professionally done website, I recommend them without reservation.

I'm going to fess up now and tell y'all, I don't know anything about writing a blog but I have some issues I want to deal with regarding the criminal justice system and I figured this would be the best way to do that.  So starting real soon, y'all can expect to see my opinions on things going on in a really messed up criminal justice system!  Until next time, Happy Trails!